Sunday, September 23, 2007

The End

So this is it. The end of the trail. Of course, it's a 3-4 hour climb down, so on the big day, it's not exactly the end. It wasn't exactly a short trip, and to reach the end was quite a mixed bag of emotions, but we felt a tremendous sense of accomplisment.
Stay tuned for shots from the trip home...


David Fiske said...


Dave and Laura, two of the trail angels from Upper Goose Pond, Mass.

Kelli said...

Matt Mellon! This is Kelli Bright (now Phillips) from your past....I am so jealous that you have hiked the AT!!! One of my goals in life. I would love to hear all about it, and what else is going on in your world! I just spent my morning reading through your adventure, and it looks like you have picked up a very cute and fun girl along life's adventures. You should write me an email so we can catch up!

Emily said...

Wow! Clay forwarded me the address for your blog and I am so impressed. What an awesome accomplishment! I love all the pictures and I bet you have some amazing stories to tell. Congrats! Emily (Smith) Jobe

Jill Byrd said...

Matt & Anitra, There is a brand new flavor of Smoothie waiting for you in Crimora Virginia

Wezie said...

Hi! I stumbled upon your blog by way of Holly and was immediately drawn to the pictures of Maine (I used to live there). When it finally occurred to me that you had hiked the entire Appalacian Trail my envy soon turned into awe as I viewed the beautiful views and landscape. I am very familiar with the stretch of land you hiked, I have traveled it many times (by car). My hat is off to both of you for making it!

Amy said...

I remain in suspense as I wait for the grand finale...

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Smartphone, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

RET said...


At roundabout the same time in 2006 I was in Nepal. You should try it sometime:

Engaged and moving to Portugal in August 2008. Bye for now...

Rich Thomas

RET said...


Now that I've had time to come back and skim this, drop me a note sometime -

Rich Thomas

Randy said...

Hey, Anitra, you climbing, acting fool! I decided to Google you and found this. I hope you are doing well!


Randy Newnham

Unknown said...

Wow, this is really cool. Great pictures and story. Sounds like you had quite the adventure. Do you remember me from many years back? Email me sometime!
I am hoping you still check on this from time to time.

Whitney said...
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Whitney said...

What a great photo of the two of you. You look so happy! Glad I finally had a chance to look at your site. It's pretty fulfilling to live vicariously through your long hike...

Jill Byrd said...

Matt & Anitra, How about an update?
Jill Byrd, Crimora